This blog is a forum for extending our class discussions. On Monday or Tuesday I will publish a new post relevant to the week's topic. Student responses to that week's post are due at midnight on Friday. Each
student should submit at least five blog posts during the semester.
There are three types of comments that you should consider posting.
There are three types of comments that you should consider posting.
- Introductory comments. These are your own reactions and ideas, generated as you consider the course discussions, readings, and videos.
- Response comments. These comments respond to the posts of your classmates or to a discussion question posed by me. Simply saying "I agree with ..." does not represent a good post--unless it is followed with some substantial, original content and ideas.
- Questions. These help to clarify the concepts or ideas raised in the class discussions, readings, or videos. Questions can be useful for everyone, provided you first demonstrate how you have attempted to make sense of the issue in question.
Blog posts should meet certain basic criteria:
- Posts should be professional and free of spelling errors and grammatical errors. Do not use any text speak such as lol, thx, imho.
- Please stick to the issues and remain civil and polite--even when others offer opinions with which you disagree. Make every effort to stay on topic. Above all, avoid personal attacks.
- The use of outside materials (for example, a book, magazine, or website) will increase your ability to comment with greater insight and knowledge.
- Posts should be substantive. A few words or sentence fragments are rarely useful in an online discussion.
Thank you in advance for contributing to our online discussions.